18 December 2005

Have A Holly Jolly...

Well, it's the last week of school. It has been a busy time, with our 'World in Every Classroom,' all the typical holiday-type things, then everything else. We've seen some funky weather too, so that makes for even more interesting circumstances. But we're on the homeward stretch toward Christmas vacation. The family will make our annual pilgrimmage over the river and through the woods to Grammie and Nana's house. It will be a fun Christmas though--LUCY IS WALKING!
The World In Every Classroom went well. We did a lot of neat, creative technology integration activities. A third grade teacher adapted Hansel and Gretel into a play starring our PE, Art, and other special teachers. I aided two of her students completing the audio using Audacity. I recorded a fifth grade class singing 'Deep in the Tomb of Egypt' and turned it into an mp3 for them to access. Teachers used digital microscopes, music, and a lot of other creative things. Lots 'o experience for Chris!! Each day secures me more and more of an authority, as we're even beginning a weekly podcast on writing, with more planned.
Lucy does not pause very often these days. The weekend after Thanksgiving is when she took her first steps. I guess she waited until Daddy came home from his conference. She definitely wanted to wait until she had it mastered. Now she tears around the house, neighborhood, and pretty much Raleigh, uncontrollable. We took her to the NC Museum of Science, and it was so awesome to see her tearing around. It is still hard to believe it's our little girl walking! Where does the time go?
Well...time for Nat'l Lampoons Christmas Vacation--heehee!

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