16 September 2007

Action Figures, 2.0

Ok, back in the day of Castle Grayskull, My Little Pony, GI Joe, and MASK, our toys never associated with each other. Come to think of it, besides my MASK figures taking over my sister's My Little Pony stable for their 'secret' headquarters, I never thought that He-Man could enlist the help of GI Joe to overthrow Skeletor. Well, in this picture, you see our smart daughter already figured out how to make things better--have them all visit the 'Dora Store.' You see Dora, Homer (of the 'Simpsons People, Daddy'), and Strawberry Shortcake. She makes me laugh!!
Went on a 10 miler today that I put off from yesterday. I guess, with about 6 weeks before the marathon, I am tired of the constant attention of it. The training, while not rough physically, is weighing on me psychologically. It is tough to be on a road trip with the thought of a long run in the back of your mind, or knowing that every weekday has a long run (I am getting to the 7, 8, 9 milers during the week). I did finish the run today, the weather was gorgeous--70, but I am ready for the marathon!

1 comment:

julie said...

My Barbie occasionally dated my brother's He-Man. But only in private. She didn't like to be seen with such short men.