26 June 2009

Going Back...Back...Back to School...Again....

Whoooooa--o, Kerry's going back to schoooooooollll...Ok, better stop before she gets mad at me! (-: We spent this morning first taking a look at the preschool/day care we will use for the girls when they go back on July 6th, then we went to Kerry's new school. I think we chose a good one, and the girls seemed pleased. Pretty neat that they focus on the 'curriculum,' which will include Spanish, yoga (yes, yoga!), and *both* will receive daily computer time! A tech daddy's dream come true!
Afterware, we went to Kerry's new school. While three years old, it is still relatively new in terms of public schools. Kerry's classroom is on the second floor, and she will enjoy a ton of space! The girls helped us get some things together today. Now, just a little bit longer until we begin this crazy new schedule.

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