04 July 2011

New Falls River/Dump Greenway

Beginning of the Trail
Happy 4th of July! Today we decided on a bike ride on the new Greenway. This small terminus starts just down the hill from our usual Falls River Greenway and will eventually hook into the Mountains to Sea Trail along the Neuse. Lots of work still in the works though.
Heading up the trail--a couple hills up and down along this stretch.
The bridge at the bottom of the hill. These rustic looking bridges, pre-rusted, are all along the new Greenway. Really classy!http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
This bridge is over a swamp that will go to the trail head. From it you can go into the North Raleigh Landfill Park or left, and eventually tie into the MTST and go to Johnston County or Falls Dam. That way is not yet open, as they are building another boardwalk bridge over swampland. I'll try to take the EVO out for a run this week for some pics.

http://mappery.com/map-of/Raleigh-greenway-map will show you the entire current and planned Raleigh Greenway system. My documented part represents parts of #31.

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