17 April 2005

Baby Food and Constipation

Who ever knew the digustive tract of a baby could be so complex. Lucy has been having some difficulties lately as we transition to more and more 'semi-solids' such as bananas (phew!) and rice cereal. We probably overfed her the bananas, but gosh darn it, as she would say, "Pffff" which in Lucy-ese means they were so good. We've gone into oatmeal now and mix in a hearty bit of apples. Peas are also know as a constipation reliever, so we're trying those. Kerry is off to find some prunes tomorrow. Look out tummy!

Also spent the weekend fixing the backyard and hanging a shelf in the garage to put up the Christmas (yes I know Christmas was months ago) decorations. MY LIGHTS!!! We're trying to pull up all the stones, mulch, and blocks from the postage-stamp sized backyard to reseed it for more grass for Lucy Bea. We do one step at a time. Last weekend it was pulling up all the concrete edgers (which we gave away on WakeFreecycle--awesome site!) and plastic edging. This weekend I relocating the path blocks. Now I need a metal rake to rake the stone. Anyone got one to borrow?

Off to school tomorrow. Will probably stop for Sheetz.

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