26 April 2005

Spread Firefox

Ok...So I am anti-Microsoft. Heck, if there was something better than Apple out there, I would switch operating systems. But there's not. Something that really annoyed me lately has been IE's total lack of common sense. Now that I'm teaching, looking for additional work, taking technology courses online, etc, my computer filled up pretty fast. I hated how IE kept all their different windows at the bottom. I would group them, but when I had a lot of different windows, I couldn't access them easily.

In walks Firefox. In reading the Washington Post over Christmas Break at K's folks, they wrote up this new browser, Firefox. It's different. It's new. It's safe. Hey, anything has to be better than Active "hecX," right? I went home and loaded Firefox. I LOVE IT! I've been using it for a few months now, and would never go back. I have the ability to have 5 things open and using tabs, go back and forth between them, easily. (See picture!) With available add on extensions (free!), I display the current weather, I can control any media player from within my browser. Awesome stuff! Hopefully they'll make an extension with a refrigerator soon. Then I'll never leave my browser!

They're really not paying me, honest!
Visit Firefox for the FREE download!

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