15 August 2005

It's the Most Wonderful...

time of the year, for parents. Definitely not for kids or children. Teachers come back to school this week, which means students will be close behind. Another school year. But no classroom for me! Hehe! I can definitely live with that. I've been doing a lot with the webpage, and I truly believe it to be my best ever. There's a racing theme at our school this year, so that will be pretty easy for me to theme various technology projects around.
Just came back from the 'Burgh. We had a picnic with both sides of the family. It was a lot of fun, but boy was it hot! Yes, I live in NC, but PA doesn't have the amount of central air we do. Phew! Poor Lucy was all red and flush all day. Then being passed around from one person to the other was pretty tough on her, but she definitely enjoyed her time at Nana and Pap Pap's!

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