22 July 2007

The End of Harry Potter...

So I finished the book. Received it yesterday from the UPS guy (don't know why Mr. Larry, our mail carrier did not bring it). The UPS guy, a closet comedian says, "Let me tell you how it ends...he finds out he's a Jedi Master." Funny UPS guy! (-:
Finished it in one day, or by 12 AM the night I started. Overall, I enjoyed the book. It nicely tied up many of the dangling issues, but at times these explanations seemed forced. One major thing that bugged me was the need for so many pages. I think we could get by in the story with 200 less pages. The whole middle, with Hermoine and Harry camping across the British Isle really leaves a lot to be desired.

I enjoyed the final battle scene, which when made into a movie could rival the final LOTR battle, if directed correctly. JK definitely left herself an out if she wants to have another book. The 19 Years Later epilogue was pretty basic as well.

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