18 August 2007

I Am Back Home!

Phew! What an insane two weeks. I pretty much went from one side of the state to the other. My culmination was a trip to Hickory Wednesday, including an overnight. Boy, how I do love the mountains though. A good presentation on web 2.0 and advocating for those tools, especially with elementary teachers. They all seemed engaged, so we hope we hear some interesting projects they begin to develop.
Girls made it without me too. Boy, Lucy and Myra really both continue to grow like two weeds. Myra takes a few tentative steps/crawls, then throws her legs on the floor and cries. It will happen any day now! Lucy does such an awesome job in helping Mommy, Grammie, Aunt Shannon, or whoever may be helping at any given time. Such an awesome little girl!
Two trips this week, then we'll head to PA either on Wednesday night or Thursday. Will be good to visit with everyone up there!

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