26 March 2006

It's Almost April...

Can you believe how fast life continues to roll? I mean, it feels like the Super Bowl just happened (or I'm avoiding reality, being a Seahawks fan!) and next weekend will be April. Simply amazing. Things have speeded up regarding plans for next year. I came home from the conference on Monday, and a message from DPS was on the machine wanting an interview for the IT position. Sounds good. Looks like I will go interview this week.
Enjoyed the conference. We received our grant check, so I spent yesterday shopping. I actually found some good deals for podcasting equipment. It looks like we will purchase a small mixing board so we can do interviews. My podcast crew will probably interview David Warlick (the edu-tech guy) next month when he arrives. I also picked up a multimedia player (the Windows version of a video iPod) to begin sampling video on a small screen. Should be interesting.
My girls are doing well. Lucy now is onto bigger and better things--incisors. Makes for some fun days. (-:
But she is a sweetie and so SMART! She signs for about a dozen different things, including motorcycle, giraffe, and cat. She takes after her Mama I guess!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting thoughts...you seem to like to record your thoughts on events in your life and in the world. Maybe you don't want people to respond.
Time is going quickly...feels like you can't get your breath or keep up! Guess that is life!