10 March 2006

A Real Horror Movie...

Unfortunately, it's a true story going on in the world today. I just finished reading The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman. Many pointed me to this book, as they said it's for anyone in politics or public education. After reading it, while a great read, I must say I wish I hadn't. In his book, he discusses how the global marketplace makes many things obsolete, such as low wage jobs in the US. He goes
into detail on how US corporations are and must relocate their call centers and other operations to other areas, such as Bangalore, India. Many people will scream at this, but by doing this, it allows the Americans to focus on higher-tech jobs and ventures. Unfortunately, as he points out, we're not taking the initiative to do this. Now, these previously thought of as 'third-world' countries established a middle class, so now they're focusing on the higher-skilled positions our Americans are not qualified for.
You see this everyday in American public schools. We blame teachers. We blame parents. The only ones who do not receive any blame, but are totally in charge of their own destiny are the students. Face it, our students are LAZY. Yes, maybe 1-3% of students do work hard, but as a former educator, I saw it daily in the class. Anytime you offered additional study or a higher level discussion, the students would do enough to 'get by.' Big changes are needed. Big answers are needed. Do you have any?

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