09 November 2008

Future for The Shearers

So, a State of the State for us? No, not as formal, but I just wanted to get out in text what we're working on, toward, and looking into the future. Of course with me, it continues as furthering my professional skill set. In doing this, I am looking at acquiring some professional certifications. Right now, I am working toward my A+ Certification, as that should not take too much effort. After that, I will work toward my Linux+ Certification. Of course, we love LINUX! (-: While I do not really want to go any further than those two, both will hopefully make me marketable down the road, should I choose that path.
School continues for the girls. Both are doing well. Lucy continues to leave us speechless with her intellect. She is just so smart--it's scary at times. She has a huge sight word vocabulary, in addition to the 20-40+ books she can read from memory. And her number sense is just amazing. We brought home my old Sears electronic quiz book, and she already does 90% of the 7-8 year old book correctly. Wow! Myra is doing well also. She had a little gap recently due to a virus she could not get rid of, but is well on the mend now. Her speech continues--she can converse with us, and we understand her. I do think that her big sister pushes her for this, so that is another good influence.
Kerry did amazing in her marathon--just over 4 hours. While the conditions (75 degrees by the end of her run) and the course (still hilly, even when reversed from last year) were not ideal, she still did awesome! We were so proud of her. The girls and I really enjoyed our time out on the course waiting for her! She amazes me everyday!

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