24 November 2005

Gobble Gobble Goodness

Another Thanksgiving, come and gone. It was our first as a family, staying in Raleigh. I must say, while missing family, it was nice to stay here, relax, and enjoy each other. Put up the tree and lights yesterday, so it's been fun keeping Lucy away from it. Went for a run, took Lucy to the playground, and just caught up on some reading.
Conference in Greensboro Monday
Lucy's baptism on Sunday
Just finished Stephen King's The Regulators. Interesting read. Especially after reading Desperation this summer and seeing the connection. Wonder what the experience is like reading Desperation first. Stephen King is really underrated. Reading mastery. Even if you don't like horror, the creative story lines are amazing. Especially how he connects these two stories. Well, him and Richard Bachman. (-;

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