05 November 2005

A Much Quicker Week

I just had to post about a slow week. Well, this one was anything but. I spent Monday at Williford preparing for this roller coaster ride of a week. Tuesday we presented at DPI. Part of the IMPACT Model states that teachers should collaboratively plan with specialists (Media Coordinators, Tech Facilitators-me, etc). So our IMPACT Advisor asked us to present to the area Technology Directors on the benefits of collaborative planning. I prepared a PowerPoint, even including some video of a teacher, and some handouts. The presentation went GREAT! The people were very receptive toward what we were discussing. Yes, we received a grant for 1.35 million to install this model, but we really tried to focus on the collaborative piece and ensure them it could be done without money.

On Wednesday I had QTL in Raleigh. It was interesting, as I was given a possible job offer for another county at the county level. The man actually saw our presentation at DPI the day before and emailed questions to me regarding the program. Not sure if I'll follow up on that or not.

Wednesday night I headed south to Wadesboro, NC for an IMPACT Meeting on Thursday. Went by the Rockingham/North Carolina Speedway and past Pinehurst Golf Club. Wadesboro was this cute little town in the foothills, about 50 miles due east of Charlotte. It was neat to meet all the other schools and hear what they've done with their portion of the grant. I even had met some at QTL and other places, so I'm being to network with others in technology.

Came home Friday to our NCSU evaluators. It was a busy day, as our Awards assembly was that day as well, but it all went smoothly. Now this week we collaboratively plan, have two DPI people coming Wednesday, and a Chamber of Commerce event Thursday. Thank goodness Friday is a holiday!!

Our little monkey is still flying around. She is getting so steady with her walking, usually only using one finger. She loves being out in our backyard. We were out there yesterday, just kicking a ball around, eating hay, the normal!

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